
From Now, to...

What direction should I take?

Yahallo~! You might’ve noticed that it’s a bit late (probably not, but I’m not an original author by any means). I usually stop using my computer at 10:30 PM, so I need to hustle!

So what are you yapping about today?

I’m glad you asked! In this post, I’ll touch a bit more upon some of the more concrete goals that I have, and some other contemplations, but in a less serious (hopefully) writing style. Yes, I already went over my “goals and aspirations” 3 days ago, but in that post, I didn’t mention what I want to do going forwards.

I’ve already talked about some of my acomplishments up until this point. It might seem pretty dazzling, winning competition after competition, creating massively popular games, and making a variety of technical projects at my age. But honestly, I think I’m not doing as well as I could be.

1 year? 2 years? 10 years?

So, since I have 7 minutes left, I’ll quickly talk about my thoughts about my own future. What direction I want to take my life in is actually something I think about extremely often, and it worries me that I seem to have very murky prospects in terms of “succeeding”.

For now, my plan is simply to earn as much money as I can, without regard for anything else. This doesn’t mean taking on a part-time job, however. I want to be able to either launch my own startup, or just create a product that sells well. I want to do this within the next 2 years, before I even go to college.


If I do go to college, my parents really want me to get into a good school, such as MIT or an ivy league. Personally, I’m not sure about what exactly to do as of now. I’m trying to find a good project idea that can either get me into a good university, or earn me enough money to not need to get a job in the first place.

Afterwards, I’d like to simply do investing in order to maintain my wealth and ensure a stable income.

Anyways, that’s enough yapping for today, goodnight!

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.