

Am I procrastinating? What even is procrastination?

Yahallo, today’s blog post is being written by a half-asleep Python dev on his phone, so don’t expect any engaging and witty prose. You might be wondering why I’m writing this blog so late (need to wake up at 6:40 AM tomorrow for school).


If you remember my previous blog post, you might also recall that I set a goal to write a blog post every day.

…yeah, I totally forgot about the blog that I literally created yesterday until now. No worries though, as I’m just in time to write this post. Probably. Thankfully I can edit the blog through the GitHub app I downloaded 5 minutes ago on my phone. Definitely not the greatest writing experience, but it’ll do for now.

So, what about procrastination?

I know, most people don’t expect a 16 year old kid to talk about anything profound. Honestly, I’ll probably return to this a few years later and cringe at my adolescent articulations. However, procrastination has really been a big part of my life, so I think that talking about this will be pretty worth it.

The reason I decided to write about this today was that I immediately associated procrastination with my forgetting about the blog until now. However, after some slight consideration, I think that rather than procrastination, this was just a simple case of forgetfulness.

A little backstory of my laziness

Yeah, I’ve been lazy almost all my life. Or maybe not - I don’t remember being lethargic most of the time when I was younger. Most likely, it was caused by my depression (maybe more on that on some future date when I’m feeling melancholy or something). I’ve been able to pull myself out of that slump a while ago though, so maybe the laziness just stuck to me.

I’m not sure whether each person’s procrastination is unique, or if we share the universal urge to not do whatever it is that needs to be done.

I’ve tried countless times to “cure” my procrastination, but I always end up procrastinating on my solutions… I think that might be what you call an endless cycle of despair or something. Recently, I haven’t really put forth much effort at all, and with school starting, this might put me in a shaky position for once.

Damn, this is getting long

Usually I’d be able to write something like this in 10 minutes or so, but it’s been 24 minutes by now - I blame the phone. Anyhow, I should probably wrap this up in the next 30 minutes or so. In a perfect world I’d outline what I wanted to write first, but this has turned into an aimless stream of consciousness unfortunately.

Yeah, but I don’t care

…why are you still reading this, then?

I’m just kidding, my brain comes up with really bad jokes at this time of day. Please keep reading, my non-existent readers, it really means a lot to me!

Wrapping up

My mom is going to get pissed if I don’t go to sleep soon, so I’ll just compile a list of thoughts and questions below, I guess.

  • Is procrastination my fault? If it is, and I still haven’t “cured” it, what does that say about me?
  • My mom has said that everyone deals with procrastination. Personally, I do agree, but when I look at the people who are really efficient with great work ethic, (is that the term?) I start to doubt myself in my heart. Am I lacking? Do I simply lack the resolve to stop procrastinating?
  • I’ve always worried that my procrastination is going to be the reason why I won’t succeed (but what does success mean?) in life.

ugh, what a trauma dump

Haha, at this point, you might be thinking “damn, this person is definitely the sentimental and gloomy type of person” - I guess I have a bit of a dual personality, if that’s the right term. Anyways, if anyone really has read all of this post, I sincerely appreciate it. Hopefully I’ll learn to be a better writer soon, as I haven’t really done this sort of thing at all.

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.